There is a complex relationship here in Khartoum between its inhabitants and the river. A relationship that is hard to describe, but in short, I think we can say that the riverbanks are Khartoum’s public space as it divides the city into three and anyone can have access to the riverbanks at any time. However, there are different spots and different social groups have their own spots. But overall, these “beaches” by the riverbanks in Khartoum have their own culture, their own mood very different from the city vibes. And that’s why it is the ultimate public space.
I consider myself a regular to many of these spots. When I am there, I have my own ideas and mindset and feelings and the intention to photograph. However, I often find myself also enjoying the experience of just being there witnessing moments, interactions, and the complex river-city relationship. This series of images is an attempt to record moments of interactions between myself, the space, and people.